(1971) Asker Norway



2000 (MA) Oslo National Academy of the arts (SHKS) Oslo Norway
1996 Oslo National Academy of the arts (SHKS) Oslo Norway
1995 Academy of Art College – San Fransisco USA
1993 (BA) Westerdals College of Commercial Art Oslo Norway
1990 Nesbru VDG – Artium Asker Norway
1990 Camarillo High school – Advanced Studio Art USA
1989 Nesbru High school Tegn/allm Asker Norway

Member of

NBK Norske Billedkunstnere, Norske Grafikere, NBF Norskbilledhoggerforening, NK Norske Kunsthåndverkere, BOA Billedkunstnerne i Oslo og Akershus, Tegneforbundet, LNM Landsforeningen for Norske Malerer, Grafill, ABK, BKIB 

Selection of solo exhibitions

2024 Eker Gård Beitostølen Norway

2023 Galleri A “innriss” Oslo Norway

2023 Fretheim Hotell Sommerutstilling NorwaysBest Flom

2023 KHÅK KUNSTHALL “Etterklang” Ålesund

2021 Hvaler Kunstforening Sommerustilling

2020 Soli Brug Separatustilling og boklansering Norway

2019 Kristiansund Kunstforening Operafestutstiller Norway

2018 Gallery Soon Son Norway

2016 KHAAK kunsthall «fragmenter av lys» Ålesund Norway

2016 Bærum Kunstforening «Udefinert Eksistens» Norway

2015 Savior fair “Porter collection & exhibit “TSH//ARTMIA Oslo Norway

2014 NYC-JC suites Art Launch «mia suites» at the New York

2014 Gallery Elsa Namsos «fragmenter” Norway

2010 Gallery Plysen solo exhibit STRYN Norway

2010 Asker Kunstforening solo Exhibit Asker Norway

2008 Galleri A solo Exhibit Oslo Norway


Selection of collective exhibitions

2024 Soli Brug Greåker Norway

2023 Ringebu Prestegård HØSTUSTILLING Norway

2023 Gateway Studios Forenbu Kunst rett vest Norway

2023 Galleri Fine Art Sommerutstilling  Oslo Norway

2023 Galleri Soon Sommerustilling Soon Norway

2023 Gulden Kunstverk “back on track” Norway

2023 Grand Hotel ARTDOM Oslo Norway

2021 Trafo Kunsthall/Dikemark JUL

2021 HØST Galleri Dikemark ABK

2021 ARTDOM Grand Hotel

2021 Factory Light Festival

2021 Asker Kunstforening

2019 Henie Onstad Kunstsenter KUNST RETT VEST Bærum Norway

2019 Kunstfestival OLSVIK utstillingen 2019 Bergen Norway

2018 Laguna Beach Gallery “grand opening” group exhibit California

2018 Canvas Miami Gallery GRIT woman’s show Miami

2018 The Van Der Plas Gallery Augsut group show New York

2018 Galleri Ramfjord 20 years anniversary exhibit Oslo

2018 MANA Contemporary Closing reseption eskff New York

2016 HYDROGENFABRIKKEN «etterklang» Fredrikstad Norway

2016 GALLERI A // Måløy Kunstlag Collectiv utstilling Norway

2016 KUNST RETT VEST 10 år – prosjektrom Norway

2016 Galleri-A/Minor A-laget Sommer Oslo Norway2016 Galleri Fine Art Tjuvholmen sommer 2016 Norway
2015 Asker Lions Høstustilling Hovedutstiller Norway
2014 Lions Lilleaker Høstustilling Hovedutstiller Norway
2014 ART EXPO NEW YORK exhibit NYC
2013 Gallery FINE ART Tjuvholmen Boklansering MOR – en hyllest Norway
2013 Gallery SG Trondheim stemmerett, likestilling go repersentasjon Trondheim
2013 LONDON Cass Gallery May 2013 The Greatest Show On Earth London
2013 Det Nationalhistoriske Museum Brygger J.C.Jacobsens Portrætpris Cobenhagen
2012 Gallery FINE ART Summer group exhibit Oslo Norway
2012 Verdens Ende Kunstforening Blood, Milkk & Honey Norway
2011 Scandic Vulkan Young Art for a Good Cause Oslo Norway
2011 Gallery FINE ART «after work» event BLOOD, MILK & HONEY Norway
2011 Galleri A group exhibit BLOOD, MILK & HONEY Oslo Norway
2011 Norstrand Lions exhibit Oslo Norway 2010 Telenor arena ART ARENA Norway
2010 Vendskapen Høstutstillingen «Norges kunstner dal» Norway
2010 Åsgårdstrand Gallery «Recognizing Munch in Me» Norway
2008 Galleri A «UTVALG 2008» Norway
2008 A-laget «UTVALG 2008» Norway
2007 Bærum Kunstforening «the young promising» Norway

purchase / decor

Kaminsky private collection New York
Wellheeled Spa Décor/San Diego USA
Asker Kommune Vendla Barnehage
Norges Diabetesforbund Oslo
Ekebergparken Barnehage Bærum Kommune
Kid Norge
Barnas Hus/Fru Lyng Oslo
Trygg Trafikk
Ramsalt Asker
Damm forlag Oslo
TV Vestfold Tønsberg
Protid DOGA Oslo
Offshore PG AS
Hydraslip AS Oslo/London